THICKENUP® Gel Express is a liquid thickener that saves time and effort when preparing thickened beverages and is an easy, fast and effective solution to support the hydration needs of people with dysphagia.
THICKENUP® Gel Express benefits:
- Dosing system allows for quick and accurate dispensing.
- Helps to improve the safety of swallow by increasing viscosity, in line with IDDSI^ guidelines (Levels 1-4).
- Contains a unique blend of xanthan and acacia gums which results in a gel that remains unaltered in the bottle over time.
- Offers smooth, lump-free and amylase-resistant beverages.
^International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative.
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THICKENUP® Gel Express mixing video
Preparation of orange juice with THICKENUP® Gel Express (IDDSI Level 3)
THICKENUP® Gel Express is a food for special medical purposes for the dietary management of people with swallowing difficulties. Must be used under medical supervision.